Francés editar

pronunciación (AFI) [ma.ʒik]
rima ik

Etimología 1 editar

Si puedes, incorpórala: ver cómo.

Adjetivo editar

Singular Plural
Masculino magique magiques
Femenino magique magiques

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Inglés editar

pronunciación (AFI) /ˈmædʒik/

Etimología 1 editar

Del francés antiguo magique, y este del latín magice, del griego antiguo μαγική.

Adjetivo editar

No comparable
Grafía obsoleta de  magic.
  • Ejemplo:

Is the hart of wax.William Shakespeare. The Plays of William Shakspeare. In Fifteen Volumes. 1793.

Stuck full of magique needles ?

Sustantivo editar

Singular Plural
magique magiques
Grafía obsoleta de  magic.
  • Ejemplo:

For, I have obſerv’d, that in manie parts for II months in the yeare we could ſee verie few women,and thoſe vailed; but impoſſible in the ſtreets or gardens to converſe with anie without danger : yet theſe twelve dayes of the Nowrouz all places were full of them, yea their naked faced openly diſcovered; frisking in amorous poſture, and drawing the eye by a forced Magique.Sir Thomas Herbert. Some Yeares Travels Into Divers Parts of Asia and Afrique. (2. Ed. Revised and Enlarged.). 1638.

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