Categoría:EN:Palabras provenientes del latín
Páginas en la categoría «EN:Palabras provenientes del latín»
Las siguientes 200 páginas pertenecen a esta categoría, de un total de 1038.
(página anterior) (página siguiente)A
- abacus
- abbess
- abdicate
- abdomen
- abdominal
- abduction
- aberration
- abhorrent
- Abigail
- abject
- ablation
- ablution
- abolition
- abort
- abrogation
- abscess
- absolute
- absorption
- absurdity
- abuse
- abyss
- accelerate
- acceptation
- accessory
- accidental
- acclaim
- accommodation
- acoustic
- act
- action
- Acts of the Apostles
- acute
- Adam
- adequate
- adjacency
- adjudg
- administration
- admit
- advection
- adverb
- ædile
- æon
- æquation
- æquilateral
- Æthiopia
- affidavit
- affinity
- affirmation
- agent
- agglutination
- alacrity
- Alexa
- Alexia
- Alexis
- alga
- alibi
- alienate
- alienation
- alloy
- allusion
- alopecia
- alteration
- ambiguity
- ambiguous
- America
- amiability
- amœne
- amour
- analysis
- ancestour
- anchor
- anchour
- android
- angina
- angle
- animal
- animate
- animation
- annihilate
- annunciation
- annuntiation
- ante meridiem
- anterior
- anthology
- antithetical
- anus
- anxious
- apical
- Apocalypse
- apologize
- apostle
- apostolique
- appendix
- apprehension
- apprehensive
- April
- aquarium
- arcane
- archetype
- ardor
- arduous
- Aries
- armament
- armour
- arrogance
- arson
- articulate
- articulation
- asparagus
- aspiration
- assimilate
- assimilation
- assume
- atheist
- attract
- attribute
- attribution
- audit
- audition
- August
- auncestor
- auncestour
- aungel
- aurora
- Australia
- Austria
- author
- authority
- avuncular
- cæcum
- Caesar
- Cæsar
- calcite
- calculator
- callous
- calm
- calx
- cancel
- Cancer
- cancer
- candid
- candidate
- candle
- cane
- capital
- Capricorn
- Capricornus
- caracter
- carbuncle
- carpet
- case
- castle
- castration
- catastrophe
- catholic
- cave
- cavity
- cedar
- cell
- cellar
- censor
- census
- centipede
- centre
- centurion
- century
- ceremony
- chair
- chameleon
- chapel
- characterise
- chasm
- chela
- chœnix
- cider
- clamourous
- clangorous
- clangourous
- cleer
- clemency
- code
- coffer
- cohabit
- cohæsion
- cohort
- collectivity
- collector
- college