icono de desambiguación Entradas similares:  orgànic

Inglés editar

pronunciación (AFI) /ɔːˈɡænɪk/

Etimología 1 editar

Si puedes, incorpórala: ver cómo.

Adjetivo editar

Positivo Comparativo Superlativo
organic more organicmost organic
1 Agricultura.
Ecológico, orgánico.

Sustantivo editar

Singular Plural
organic organics
2 Química
  • Ejemplo:

Modern insecticides are still more deadly. The vast majority fall into one of two large groups of chemicals. One, represented by DDT, is known as the ‘chlorinated hydrocarbons’. The other group consists of the organic phosphorus insecticides, and is represented by the reasonably familiar malathion and parathion..Rachel Carson. silenciosa. Editorial: Penguin Books. 1968.ª ed, 1962.

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Locuciones con «organic»

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