Inglés editar

Received Pronunciation (AFI) /ˈluː.dɪ.kɹəs/ Gloucestershire
EE. UU., Canadá (AFI) /ˈlu.dɪ.kɹəs/ EE. UU.
Australia (AFI) /ˈlʉː.dɪ.kɹəs/
longitud silábica trisílaba

Etimología 1 editar

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Adjetivo editar

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ludicrous more ludicrousmost ludicrous
  • Ejemplo:

2010. «This terror of bedbugs is ludicrous, he said. It's all part of the culture of fear in America, the latest version of "reds under the bed". First it was communists, then Obama the Islamist terrorist, and now bedbugs. (posible referencia sin formato: Barbara Plett, The bedbugs of New York turn up in BBC studios, [[w:BBC News%7CBBC News]], 27 noviembre 2010.).


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