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Saludos muy cordiales Æлħэн | Habla con Alhen 15:18 9 mar 2006 (UTC).Responder

Bienvenido! ppfk (@) 15:20 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder

Muchas gracias, Æлħэн y Ppfk! =) Jon Harald Søby 15:21 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder

Bienvenido y saludos desde España Lourdes 15:28 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder

Bienvenido y muchísimas gracias :) abrazos --pajarito (:> )=| 15:42 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder

TAKK! Thanks for your help! --Ecelan 17:52 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder



Oh Master! How did you do that? I've been browsing all morning how could I be able to tell the IP of a registered user!!! Anyway, I hope this solves the problem. ppfk (@) 15:32 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder

I'm a steward, so I made myself checkuser here when Spacebirdy said you needed help. Anyways, that exicornt vandal uses some kind of proxy, so he has a lot of different IPs. The one I blocked was only one of many different IPs (s)he has used, unfortunately. Jon Harald Søby 15:34 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder
Is there a way for us bureucrats to figure out the new IP if he changes it? ppfk (@) 15:37 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder
You could get CheckUser status, but there are quite strict rules around it. You must hold a formal election for it, and a user has to have at least 25–30 votes, with at 70–80 % for. Read more about that om m:CheckUser Policy#Access. Jon Harald Søby 15:43 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder
No, esto solamente es posible para stewards  ;( --pajarito (:> )=| 15:44 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder


Archivo:Al mérito.jpg

This is a small reminder of our gratitude for your defense of the es:Wikci. --Ecelan 20:59 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder

Thanks for your help. Platonides 21:00 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder
Bare hyggelig. No problem! =) Jon Harald Søby 21:05 9 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder

Gracias Sí señor, muchas gracias (perdón si utilizo el español...) Lourdes 13:42 10 mar 2006 (UTC)Responder