Inglés editar

pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1 editar

Del francés medio administrateur, y este del latín administrator.

Sustantivo editar

Singular Plural
administratour administratours
Grafía obsoleta de  administrator.
  • Ejemplo:

And notwithſtanding all theſe incitements, he neuer aſſumed or vſurped other title to himſelfe, then of Gouernour or Adminiſtratour of the Kingdome.Jacques I. The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince, James by the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. Published by James, Bishop of Winton,... 1616.

  • Ejemplo:

The Reaſon therefor of placing the Ark in the Tribe of Ephraim, at firſt, might be no other than this, becauſe Joſhua was himſelf of that Tribe ; who was to be, during his Life, the Chief Adminiſtratour of the Government ; and therefore it was but proper for the Tabernacle and the Ark to be in the ſame Tribe.Edward Wells. An Historical Geography of the Old Testament. 1711.

  • Ejemplo:

E X P R E S S I O N S in ſuch poſitive and explicit terms prove undeniably that commanderies are no abſolute poſſeſſions or benefices, but meer conceſſions for which the adminiſtratour was accountable to the publick treaſury of the order, and liable to be turned out in caſe either of male adminiſtration, of if irregularity in his life and converſation.Vertot (abbé de). The History of the Knights of Malta. 1728.

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