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    In concluſion, I do not believe this Experiment can be made, much leſs that it is to be diſcerned whether this Picture be formed on the anteriour or poſteriour ſurface of the Retina, ſince the thickneſs of it is leſs than half a line, or the 14th part of an inch ; and there is reaſon to believe, that you have truſted to the report of ſome other concerning this Experiment ; or that you have believed the images which appear in the Eyes to be painted on the Retina, whereas they proceed from the reflexion made on the exteriour of the Cornea.John Martyn (Londres). Philosophical Transactions, Giving Some Accompt of the Present Undertakings, Studies and Labors of the Ingenious in Many Considerable Parts of the World. 1669.

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