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Etimología 1


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Singular Plural
directour directours
Grafía obsoleta de  director.
  • Ejemplo: 

    Hence it is , that all things created are commanded to praiſe God their Creatour and Directour : as, Praiſe him all yee his Angels : praiſe him Sunne and Moone,all bright Starres: heauens of heauens,for he hath eſtabliſhed them for euer & euer.Sir Walter Raleigh. The History of the World. 1614.

  • Ejemplo: 

    That the Impreſſion was made with Monſieur de Meaux’s Knowledge , if not by his expreſs Order, whoever ſhall conſider the circumſtances of Monſieur Cramoiſy who printed it , either as a Perſon of his Reputation and Eſtate ; or as Directour of the King’s Imprimerie ; or finally as Monſieur de Meaux’s own Bookſeller ; will hardly believe that he would ſo far affront a Biſhop of his Church, and one eſpecially of Monſieur de Meaux’s intereſt and authority at that time at Court ; as to make a ſurreptitious Edition of a Book, which he might have had the Author’s leave to publiſh only for the asking.William Wake. A Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England. 1686.

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