pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1


Del francés antiguo dispenser y del latín dispensare ("destributar"), del latín dispendere, del latín pendere.


Singular Plural
dispence dispences
Grafía obsoleta de  dispense.
  • Ejemplo: 

    But that God, who is the giver of every good and perfect gift, Jam. I. ſhould give out a rule and directory to ſin by, ſhould enact a Diſpenſation as long liv’d as a Law, whereby to live in privileg’d Adultery for hardneſs of heart ; and this obdurate diſeaſe cannot be conceived how it was the more amended by this unclean remedy, is the moſt deadly and Scorpion‐like gift that the enemy of mankind could have given to any miſerable ſinner, and is rather a Diſpence as that was which the Serpent gave to our firſt parents.John Milton. A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works. 1698.

Grafía obsoleta de  dispense.
  • Ejemplo: 

    To Jewiſh ignorance it could not be diſpenc’d, without a horrid imputation laid upon the Law, to diſpence foully, inſtead of teaching fairly ; like that diſpenſation that firſt polluted Chriſtendom with Idolatry, permitting to laymen Images inſtead of Books and Preaching.John Milton. A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works. 1698.

Referencias y notas
