Usuario:Juan renombrado/Swadesh lenguas célticas/51-100

inglés bretón córnico galés irlandés gaélico (escocés) manés
51 tree gwezenn gwydhenn coeden crann craobh billey
52 forest koad koos coedwig, fforest coill, foraois coille keyll
53 stick
(of wood)
bazh glena ffon bata, maide bata, maide maidjey
54 fruit frouezhenn frothen ffrwyth toradh meas, toradh mess
55 seed had, greun hasenn had síol sìol, ros sheel, rass
56 leaf delienn delenn deilen duille duilleag duillag
57 root gwrizienn gwreydh gwreiddyn fréamh freumh fraue
58 bark
(of tree)
rusk rusk rhisgl coirt rùsg, cairt roost
59 flower bleuñv, fleur bleujenn blodyn bláth blàth blaa
60 grass geot, gwelt gwels glaswellt féar feur faiyr
61 rope kordenn lovan rhaff téad, rópa teud, ròpa tead, coyrd
62 skin
(of a person)
kroc'hen krohen croen craiceann craiceann crackan
63 meat
(as in flesh)
kig kig cig feoil feòil feill
64 blood gwad goos gwaed fuil fuil fuill
65 bone askorn askorn asgwrn cnámh cnàimh craue
66 fat
druzoni blonek saim, bloneg blonag, saill blonag, saill blennick, sahll
67 egg vi oy ŵy ubh ugh ooh
68 horn korn korn corn adharc adharc eairk
69 tail lost lost cynffon eireaball earball arbyl
70 feather
(rather not down)
pluñvenn pluven pluen cleite ite fedjag, clooie
71 hair blev blew blew, gwallt gruaig gruag gruag, folt, renaig
72 head penn penn pen ceann ceann kione
73 ear skouarn skovarn clust cluas cluas cleaysh
74 eye lagad lagas llygad súil sùil sooill
75 nose fri tron trwyn srón sròn stroin
76 mouth genoù, beg ganow ceg, genau béal beul beeal
77 tooth
(rather not molar)
dant dans dant fiacail fiacaill feeackle
78 tongue teod taves tafod teanga teanga çhengey
79 fingernail ivin ewin ewin ionga ìne ingin
80 foot troad troos troed cos cas cass
81 leg gar garr coes cos cas lurgey
82 knee glin glin glin, pen-glin glúin glùn glioon
83 hand dorn dorn, leuv llaw lámh làmh laue
84 wing askell askell asgell, adain sciathán sgiath skian
85 belly kof torr, kroth tor, bol bolg balg, brù bolg
86 guts bouzellenn kolodhyon perfedd inne, putóg caolan collane
87 neck gouzoug konna gwddf, mwnwgl muineál muineal, amhach mwannal
88 back kein keyn cefn droim druim dreeym
89 breast bronn bronn bron cíoch cìoch keeagh
90 heart kalon kolon calon croí cridhe cree
91 liver avu avi afu, iau ae adha aane
92 to drink evañ, evet eva yfed ól òl iu
93 to eat debriñ dybri bwyta ith ith ee
94 to bite dantañ, krogiñ densel cnoi, brathu bain greim as bìd greimmey
95 to suck sunañ sugna, dena sugno súigh, diúl deoc, sùgh, deoghail soo, jiole
96 to spit skopañ trewa, berya poeri caith seile tilg smugaid ceau shelley
97 to vomit dislonkañ, c'hwedañ hwyja chwydu aisig sgeith skeeah
98 to blow
(as wind)
c'hwezhañ hwytha chwythu séid sèid sheidey
99 to breathe analañ anella anadlu análaigh, tarraing anáil tarraing anail tayrn ennal
100 to laugh c'hoarzhin hwerthin chwerthin gáir gàir gearey